Talented street performers fill Brazil's public spaces.  Curitiba, 2011  許多天才表演者在街頭獻藝。
 People queuing for several minutes just to get to the McDonald's counter. Unlike McDonald's in most parts of the world, the ones in Brazil are designed, catered, and marketed for the upper middle class, products are of higher quality, and restaurant
 'Spider-man' striking a pose to attract people's attention and the money in their wallets.  Curitba, 2011  巿中心站著蜘蛛俠,吸引行人,招徠收入。
 This is one of thousands of stalls at the  Artesanato Feira  selling an amazing collection of Brazilian handcrafts. In Curitiba, the large fair is held every Sunday at the city centre.  Curitiba, 2011  在巴西各巿集,有過千的攤檔,售賣各式各樣的手工藝。在庫里提巴的巿
 This clown has several tricks up his sleeves to impress his young audience.  Curitiba, 2011  小丑在他的衣袖藏著把戲,吸引小孩子的注意。
 The aboriginal people in Brazil selling handcrafts that resemble indigenous household tools and hunting weapons.  Curitiba, 2011  巴西原居民售賣他們製作的家庭用品和狩獵武器。
 At this unique train-converted library, children can read books and tour in different places by engaging their imaginations.  Curitiba, 2011  孩子們在這火車改裝的圖書館,藉著圖書,運用想像力,飛越原野。
 Brazilian children love candies. Those who are not afraid of strangers come to ask for more; those who are shy can only cry.  Piraquara, 2011  巴西孩子們愛吃糖果,不怕陌生,討得糖吃,害羞的卻只好哭喪著臉。
  P iraquara is a town not far from Curitiba but the living conditions of its inhabitants are generally much poorer. This tiny run-down house belongs to two single mothers and their children. The front yard is littered with garbage and random objects
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