When visiting these warehouse workers during their break time, they are affectionately demonstrating the friendliness and playfulness that Fijians are known for.  Suva, 2012  趁工人休息的時間,走進他們的的工場;他們熱情地招呼,而且表情多多,充分表現出斐濟人的友善和活躍。
 A woman is selling freshly caught shrimps at the local market. The Fiji Islands are renowned for their abundance of seafood and the people carry them on hand-woven baskets made with banana leaves.  Suva, 2012  斐濟群島的海產很出名,看婦人出賣新鮮的蝦,連他們用蕉葉製造的「籃子」
 A woman selling a variety of locally grown fruits and vegetables at the largest market in Fiji. Situated by the harbour, thousands of people come here on Saturdays to shop for fresh groceries and bargain with vendors for a few cents more value. &nbs
 Indo-Fijians consist of approximately 40% of the population in Fiji. Though the students are of different ethic groups, they are able to live in harmony with one another and often become close friends.  Narere, 2012  斐濟有百分之四十人口是印度人,學校裡有不同種族,但相處
 Located at the Narere squatter settlement, the primary school faces chronic challenges in finding adequate income through tuition fees for their operational costs. Therefore, Light and Love Home in Fiji help alleviate the problem by sponsoring appro
 The students are enjoying a drink from the tap water under the hot tropical sun.  Narere, 2012  學生們直接從水龍頭飲水,在炎炎太陽下,好不涼快。
 The elders in the village are preparing a traditional Kava drink on a  tanoa  (ceremonial bowl) to welcome guests. When a person is handed a  bilo  (coconut shell) full of the drink, he or she must clap first and say " Bula " before accepting the cu
 The traditional Fujian drum called the  Lali  plays an important part in the community to call people together.  Nadi, 2012  鄉村的「擊鼓」是召集村民的重要訊號。
 A father and his children living in very poor housing conditions.  Nadi, 2012  父親與孩子們在他們破舊的鐵皮屋前。
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