I have just returned from my trip to Madagascar to visit the Light and Love Schools in Antananarivo and Tamatave. The schools have recently expanded their capacity to receive a greater number of students. The children have grown physically and spiritually, and developed strong bonds with each other. The smiles that they carry on their faces, the light in their eyes, the warmth of their friendship, and the liveliness when they play are the testimony of the results of the hard work of the Light and Love Home Schools.
Our students came from the poorest neighborhoods. They were often dirty and wore old and worn-out clothes. However, people praised them for their good manners, politeness, and obedience. Additionally by providing free tuition fees and free meals, Light and Love Home Schools have earned the respect and trust from the local communities.
I sincerely thank all the donors who have contributed to the projects in Madagascar. Your support has changed the lives of many children. Their smiles are our greatest rewards.
- Violin