To serve the people in the Thaketa Township of Yangon, Myanmar, Light and Love Home purchased a building and converted it into a community centre. The newly renovated building would provide a place for various activities and classes, such as English and music. At the opening ceremony, the students performed splendidly, which made us realize that with education, their potential would develop into incredible talents.
A missionary team consisting of more than 50 members flew from different parts of the world to participate at the opening ceremony. Some even wore the traditional Myanmarese clothing to more fully involve themselves into the local culture. By the team’s contributions, Light and Love Home could organize a great feast for the people of all ages at the community.
The people were especially grateful for the donations by Wilko Asia, which provided every family with a sack of rice. Such gifts attracted long queues even in the rain, which let us see a glimpse of how great their needs truly were.
為了服務仰光Thaketa Township的貧民區,光愛中心買了一幢房子,並加以修葺,改建成為社區中心,提供各項活動、學習及興趣班。開幕禮上,音樂班、英語班及其他興趣班的學生都有份表演。他們精采的演出,讓我們體會只要好好引導,他們的才華就能有所發揮。
Words & Photos: Violin Chan
English Translation: Joe Lee