This is the children class that we have set up in the Mamelodi Township near Pretoria, South Africa. These younger ones are not old enough to attend the Math and English classes yet. Therefore, we gave them drawing lessons instead. Actually, there wasn't any formal teachings in the drawing class. We simply gave them pens and papers and let them draw until their hearts' content.
Later during the class, we taught them some basic vocabularies and organized some group games to play together. Can you see in the last photo how all their hands were laid on top of each other's? The game was like this: everyone began by placing their hands at the centre. Then at the count of three, everyone had to withdraw their hands at once, and the last one to do so would lose. Yes, it was a very simple game but the children took great pleasure nevertheless. They played over and over again until volunteers served them sweets and biscuits to conclude the day. And just like this, everyone had a blissful time.
這是我們在南非Malmelodi 貧民區的兒童班。這些較年幼的未能參加英、數學習班,我們為他們安排畫班,沒有正式敎授什麼技巧,只是讓他們有紙、有筆地塗鴉,加上學習一些有關的生字 ,還有遊戲,你看他們只是把手疊在一起,然後在數一二三之後鬥快抽出,被捉到的,就算輸,一次次重複,他們樂此不疲。之後他們期待的是糖果或餅乾。就這樣,大家享受美好的時光。
- Violin
A children's drawing class held by Light and Love Home in the Mamelodi Township near Pretoria, South Africa. Photo by Violin Chan, 2012.
The children were instructed to follow the drawings on the whiteboard. However, some were still too young to draw as well as we wanted them to. Photo by Violin Chan, 2012.
The Mamelodi Townshp has an estimated population of 1 million people but the government offers few facilities for younger children living there. Therefore, they especially appreciate attending the classes that Light and Love Home provides. Photo by Violin, 2012.
Enjoying each other's company during the class. Photo by Violin Chan, 2012.
One of the youngest one attending the class. She was a little camera shy. Photo by Violin Chan, 2012.
A simple game involving just hands, but the children enjoyed immensely. Photo by Violin Chan, 2012.