When I was in Congo, it was hard for me to go out and take photos of the people there. The tourism industry has yet to be developed and the Congolese are very sensitive to foreigners taking photographs. They fear that we want to exploit them by publicizing their miserable conditions.
In fact, my only desire is to raise awareness of these issues so that more people can care for the orphans and families suffering in poverty.
One day, we went with Benny (a Congolese-Canadian accompanying us) to the market. He went outside to buy grocery while we looked from inside the car. We saw a few street kids selling plastic bags for only about 1 cent each. This was their means of surviving. Suddenly, one of them noticed that I was looking at him. He then approached me to ask for money. We did not say a word but from looking at his eyes, I could sense his childhood innocence, which is sadly missing in most other street kids. In the end, I gave him a little snack. He held it firmly in his hands, as I held this experience firmly in my heart.
Photos by Violin. Lulumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014.
Photos by Violin. Lulumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014.