The Day Before the Inauguration

Words & Photos: Violin Chan          English Translation: Joe Lee

Last week, 42 people flew from overseas to attend the inauguration of the new Light and Love Home Children’s Home in Nepal. The two-hour long ceremony included performances by the children and several speeches by local government officials. But what we were most looking forward to was the end of the ceremony, when the children would hold our hands and show us their new home. There, we filled the home with laughters and joy when the team and the children played together.

Joe and I arrived the day before the inauguration to discuss with Shanta about the ceremony procedures. Therefore, we had the privilege to see the new home earlier than others. One girl held my left hand and another held my right hand to take me to the girl’s dormitories. Likewise, the boys held my hands to take me to the boy’s dormitories. As we toured from room to room, I could feel their feelings of excitement, joy, gratefulness… and so much more.

This is not just a place for for them to stay. The Children’s Home provides a home where they belong to. It is a family filled with love towards one another, and also from God the Father of orphans.





The boys wearing traditional Nepalese clothing to rehearse the day before their performance at the inauguration.

The boys wearing traditional Nepalese clothing to rehearse the day before their performance at the inauguration.

Maya, one of the staff members looking after the Children's Home, helps Aprana to put on her costume.

Maya, one of the staff members looking after the Children's Home, helps Aprana to put on her costume.

The children are looking forward to the day of the inauguration.

The children are looking forward to the day of the inauguration.

The older girls are enjoying their time outside while holding their hands firmly with each other.

The older girls are enjoying their time outside while holding their hands firmly with each other.

Sapana finished wearing her traditional Nepalese costume and ready to dance.

Sapana finished wearing her traditional Nepalese costume and ready to dance.

Merry, Shekhar, and Alpha (from left to right).

Merry, Shekhar, and Alpha (from left to right).

His Gaze (II)

Words & Photos: Violin Chan          English Translation: Joe Lee

On my way to visit the orphanage that Benny had been sponsoring, I tried to picture in my mind what the environment would be like. I also tried to imagine how the children would behave when they saw us as the "boss". As we were approaching the destination in the car, the children were already waiting outside. The building exterior looked average; just like other buildings in the area. However, as we stepped inside, we saw almost nothing besides walls. There were no beds and other furnitures, but just some plates and tarp on the unfinished floor. The scene was a lot worse than what I had expected.

As for the children, they only had one meal per day (and I believe that meal must be very minimal). To make matters worse, they didn't go to school at all. I wanted to know why the situation was so terrible. I asked many questions. In the end, I kept thinking to myself, "Why not go to school? How do they spend their time? How could they do nothing day after day? How could they live a life without arrangements or goals to work toward?" All the boys had a blank stare in their eyes… because there weren't anything for them to look forward to.


去探望Benny一直支持的兒童之家。心中有一點準備,想像是怎樣的環境;孩子們也許比我有更多的猜測和想象,因為他們以為我 們是「boss」。車駛入小路,遠遠已看見孩子們在屋外等待。房子的外觀還可以,但裡面一無所有,沒有傢俱,只有少許盤和 碟,真的是「家徒四壁」。與孩子們逐個傾談,驚訝地發現他們每天只吃一餐(我相信每餐一點都不豐富,分量也不怎樣足夠),而且沒有上學。 我問他們,問照應他們的大人,問Benny;最後的問題,好像是在問自己,因為心中盤算著:「為什麼不上學?整天作什麼?怎樣消磨時間?什麼都不做?怎 可以?怎樣耐得住?為什麼不安排?為什麼不找點幹活?……」

難怪男孩子們都有茫 茫然的眼神!不知期待什麼的眼神!呆呆的目光和表情!

Lulumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014.

Lulumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014.

Lulumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014.

Lulumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014.

His Gaze (I)

When I was in Congo, it was hard for me to go out and take photos of the people there. The tourism industry has yet to be developed and the Congolese are very sensitive to foreigners taking photographs. They fear that we want to exploit them by publicizing their miserable conditions.

In fact, my only desire is to raise awareness of these issues so that more people can care for the orphans and families suffering in poverty.

One day, we went with Benny (a Congolese-Canadian accompanying us) to the market. He went outside to buy grocery while we looked from inside the car. We saw a few street kids selling plastic bags for only about 1 cent each. This was their means of surviving. Suddenly, one of them noticed that I was looking at him. He then approached me to ask for money. We did not say a word but from looking at his eyes, I could sense his childhood innocence, which is sadly missing in most other street kids. In the end, I gave him a little snack. He held it firmly in his hands, as I held this experience firmly in my heart.






Photos by Violin. Lulumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014.

Photos by Violin. Lulumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014.

Photos by Violin. Lulumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014.

Photos by Violin. Lulumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2014.